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What is coherence?

Coherence is powerful state backed by scientific research

Simply put, it is a state of harmony within yourself. A state of flow and balance in which your mind, heart and emotions are aligned and in sync. 

A state that YOU can create within yourself at anytime to help you navigate Life. And most importantly... it helps you feel great!

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It is measured with biofeedback technology

The benefits are surprising and ongoing research in this field keeps unveiling remarkable results (see below)!

The fun part? Your coherence can be measured with biofeedback technology so you know where you're at, and together we'll get you where you want to be.


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It changes your physiology and can have a huge impact on your overall health

Physiologically, your nervous, hormonal and immune systems function work together energetically.

When you're in coherence, you're centered, in charge of yourself.


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It tackles stress head-on

When you are stressed, are all the good things in your life taking a backseat? Learning how to get in a coherent state will help you self-regulate fast and you will not let stress be the conductor of your life anymore.


You can turn the tide against the adverse impacts of stress on your life's quality. It empowers you to make wiser decisions, thanks to a synergy of clear thinking and heartfelt intuition, elevates your performance, and so much more.


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The Research on Coherence

The HeartMath Institute has been researching the field of coherence, the heart-brain connection and the intelligence of the heart for over 30 years.


Their methods and technology are trusted by renowned organisations like NASA.


HeartMath is getting more and more popular thanks to their methods and technology backed by science which can be surprisingly simple to implement and highly effective!

The importance of Coherence

In our fast-paced world, reducing stress levels isn't just beneficial for our mental and emotional wellbeing but also crucial for our physical health.


Being in coherence more often aids in preventing and addressing health challenges while boosting vitality.


It helps us make smarter decisions, think clearly, perform better and listen to our authentic selves.

The effectiveness of Coherence

In one of their recent studies involving over 14,000 participants, HeartMath found that anxiety and depression plummeted by 67% in just 6 to 9 weeks!


But that's not all:

  • Fatigue decreased by 53%

  • Anger diminished by 67%

  • Calmness surged by 49%

  • Emotional vitality soared by 27%

  • Sleep quality improved by 36%

The data

From the HeartMath Institute Research. Percent of individuals responding “often to always” on normed and validated pre and post Personal and Organizational Quality Assessment (POQA-R)

Sandstone Pattern

Curious about Coherence and want to implement it in your life?

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